I saw this really fun ribbon and fabric flower choker necklace over at Free People.
It was a really cute idea and figured I’d try making it as they didn’t have a color that I liked and the price tag was a little hefty.
I went over to Hobby lobby and grabbed some pink and white gingham ribbon for probably two dollars and used this super simple hand sewing technique to get a bunched petal type look for the ribbon.

If I was going to do it again, I’d make sure that I was using a cotton or other natural fiber ribbon I accidentally bought polyester and it’s a little bit more plastic feeling and stiff.
Sometimes I wash the ribbon in the delicate cycle or even by hand and let it air dry to let it become a little softer before I work with it for projects. I just ruched up a little bit of the material using after hand sewing a very simple zigzag pattern going up and down along the ribbon. Hot glued it onto a piece of soft flannel I happened to have.
Some pink macramé cord that I happened to have on hand and I got a little tiny bit and made a simple tassel for the center for a little extra touch of pink.

I just tied it in a bow to fit it around her neck, but next time I go to a craft store I’m gonna be looking for a metal hardware clasp that would attach to ribbon. I hope you like it ❤️